magazine of united nine point five

Kamis, 13 Februari 2020

Reading Corner

The class reading corner is a corner or other place with the classroom that is used for other learning resources in order to increase student interest in reading and learning thorough fun reading activities. The reading corner of the class aims to introduce students to a variety of reading sources to be used as a medium, a source of learning ,and to provide a pleasant reading experience. Fostering interest in reading is a first step as well as an effective way to foster interest in reading to children because in the days of children is the right time to instill a habit that later this habit will carry over into adulthood. In other words, if since children are accustomed to reading, then reading habits will carry over into adulthood. Reading habits are something important and fundamental that must be developed early in order to improve the quality of education. This is not because reading can increase knowledge and insight. Through reading corners can instill in students to create a reading culture and habits of all matters related to reading fondness. In addition, by reading fondly children gain new knowledge and insights that further enhance their intelligence so that they are better able to answer life challenges in the future. The benefits of reading can improve self-development, fulfill life interest, increase their interest in a field. The purpose of this reading corner is to support the 15 minute reading movement before the teaching and learning hours begin, to fill in the free time when finished doing the assignments of the teacher, to fill in free time during empty hours. Another benefit of the reading corner is that it facilitates children of information and knowledge because there are still many children who are lazy to visit the library because of the limited time during lesson breaks. The reading corner is also a means to promote the library through the collection in the reading corner, there are still many children who come to the library because of the teachers task. Therefore, this activity is very effective in developing and encouraging children interest in reading because it usually fills their free time by playing, now it can be diverted with positive activities one of which is by reading.

Jumat, 07 Februari 2020

Madrasah Corner Activities ‘Ayo Mondok’

MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU Sidoarjo held the ‘Ayo Mondok’ program as the forerunner to the Boarding School in the Muslimat NU Sidoarjo school environment. This program also integrates civil education, coding, and TOEFL courses in order to enter the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and welcome the industrial revolution 5.0. Principal of MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU Sidoarjo, Mr. Syamsuhari explained various kinds of educational strategies in order to fulfill the industrial revolution including the strategy named “ASTEAM”. The strategy is a merger between etiquette, science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics. And Mr. Syamsuhari added, adab is the main one in implementing the strategy. Because the strategy is used to fority students from promiscuity, hate speech, and the rise of hoax or hoax news. “Man returns to his manner. Searching for truth is only God’s right.” Said Mr. Syamsuhari. To implement science is not only limited to theory or learning, but children are also encouraged to become young scientists. Utilization of technology is also not only limited to the use of software, but students will be directed to make artificial intelligence as well as directed as a programmer. Mr. Syamsuhari is targeting English matery standards to be aligned with the TOEFL standards. The target is to pass grade 5, the level is 450 and for students in the top class or before graduation they must score 500. The program will be run by three schools under the auspices of the Muslimat NU Sidoarjo starting from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) by implementing a boarding school system.

Peculiar Sidoarjo

Sidoarjo City is a city known as the City of Shrimp or Delta City. Why Shrimp City? Because the city of Sidoarjo is one of the producers of shrimp and milkfish which is a symbol of the city of Sidoarjo. Then why Delta City? Because the city of Sidoarjo is placed between two large rivers of the Brantas River, namely Kali Mas and Kali Porong. Every year in the city of Sidoarjo precisely in commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW held a traditional milkfish auction held at the Sidoarjo square. Traditional milkfish auctions are held with the aim of upholding the commemoration of the birthday of the prophet Muhammad SAW and also having the intention of making a whip to increase milkfish production by developing motivation and promotion so that farmer farmers further improve their welfare. The milkfish auction is a business with a noble cause, because the net proceeds of the money are used entirely for social and religious activities through the Sidoarjo Muslim Charity Foundation. The milkfish auction tradition is always accompanied by other activities, namely the bazaar, various kinds of entertainment at no charge, including: Band, Malay Orchestra, Ludruk, Samroh and MTQ competition at the district level. The milkfish that are auctioned are called milkfish "KAWAKAN" which are maintained specifically between 5-10 years and weighing 7 kg to 10 kg per fish. Not only the milkfish auction event, Sidoarjo City also has several special foods such as Kupanng Lontong. Kupang is a type of sea shell that is very small in size. Kupang used in this food is yellowish white which is usually called rice mussel. As the name implies, it is served with pieces of rice cake and given boiled water sauce of kupang. Before it is served on a plate, they give crushed brown sugar, garlic, shrimp paste, and chili (according to the customer's request) and then given a little squeeze of orange juice, while the braids are boiled with leeks and garlic. Not only Kupang Lontong, Sidoarjo City also has a special food in the form of processed milkfish. Maybe this is the reason for Sidoarjo to be a city famous for its milkfish. Creative processing makes fresh milkfish become delicious snacks. Different processing with milkfish, this snack uses a presto tool that works to remove all the thorns. However, the size of the milkfish presto is usually only around 150 grams or 200 grams. After the thorn is gone, the milkfish will be fried in a shaken egg dressing. Crispy and savory flavors that are there will be more stable if dipped in tomato sauce. Umm, so delicious. To make things even easier, there is already a packaging box to be brought into souvenirs typical from Sidoarjo. Maybe you are also wondering what language the people of Sidoarjo use? Everyday language used in the Sidoarjo area is a mixture of Javanese and Indonesian. Javanese language that is used also varies, there are Javanese ngoko, krama inggil, and krama alus. Many dominant communities speak Javanese that arises from habit. While only a few people use Indonesian. For example the people who live in the Sidoarjo City area.